
Posts Tagged ‘Knowledge Channel’

Diandra Zach in wardrobe...

I’m sure you Moms out there know all about those baby books that list down stuff like baby’s first step, baby’s first word, and baby’s first laugh.

Well, here comes a BIG first in the Baby Book of my daughter Diandra:

Her first shooting day for a TV soap!

Alright, alright, Diandra’s not a baby anymore (obvious ba?) but neither am I a Mom in denial, LOLOLOL! I’m just an overly proud Nanay who still sees a little baby girl whenever her daughter is in sight.

Letting my Diandra fly off and do this acting thing is both exciting and fearsome to me. Exciting because she is starting to live out her dream of becoming an actress; fearsome because fame is like a golden cage that you can never really escape from. The philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti once said, “We all want to be famous people, and the moment we want to be something, we are no longer free.”  As someone who values freedom, I shudder at the thought. What makes it bizarre is I work on TV as a newscaster.


Diandra Zach with her make-up artist...

Anyway, just last night, I was telling Diandra about the troubles of being famous – like not being able to walk around in a mall without people staring or having to fly to Europe just to feel normal. I know this kind of talk is premature since Diandra is not yet “there”.  But it’s good discuss these things in case it happens. For now, it will take lots of hard work for her to reach the point where she has to see hand doctor because of signing all those autographs.

The TV show that picked her up, by the way, is an educational soap opera that will air next year on the Knowledge Channel. “Educational Soap Opera,” you say? Even I was surprised. Basically, the soap opera is part of a project to fight illiteracy in the Philippines. Mobile teachers across the nation will be using the soap as part of their teaching. I also heard that the project is also being endorsed by our beloved President PNoy.


This is what bored actors look like...

The terms Educational and Soap Opera might sound corny to some of you (it did to me) but going by my daughter’s character in the story, it’s FAAAAR from corny. Diandra plays the role of a young lady who dreams making a mark in the fashion world. So she hangs out with gay people since they are the leaders in that industry. Her family does not know this and she hides her fashionista self by being prim and proper at home.

Diandra with one of her friends in the soap...

See? Complicated character. I like!

So to my darling baby girl – always cherish the world where you are just our little girl. Remember that it’s a world you can return to when things become too overwhelming and when people start to worship you or abuse you. In your little-girl-world are the people who love you for who you really are AND for who you aren’t. It’s a place where love is unconditionally yours and you can let your guts hang out and still be accepted.

In the meantime, Mom will continue to wait for more firsts – like that Famas award I’ve been praying for for you and the first time we have to rescue you from a horde of rabid fans. THAT should be FUN!

PS. Thanks to my dear friend Glenda for telling us about the auditions! You are a blessing to me and my family!

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